Caracas which is formally known as Santiago de Leon de Caracas. It is the capital of Venezuela and largest city as well. It is situated under the Venezuelan mountain range, in northern side. It is near to the Caribbean Sea but it is apart from the coast about 2200 m. To the south of the city hills and mountains are stretched. From traffic, crime and pollution it is continually fighting. Beside this, it has their traditional charm with most modern capital and from years it taking attention from  visitors over the world.

caracas venezuela (11)Venezuela Caracas satellite views  of the houses

This place is not only attracted by the tourists of America but from Europe also. There are many things to see like historic buildings from the Spanish period as well from the modern period. Mostly tourist visits the native house of their national hero Simon Bolivar.

caracas venezuela (9)

It is superbly reconstructed in the colonial spirit. In their museum it includes uniform, weapons and banners. It contains historical painting as well which represents its battle scene, are displaying on the walls. While near its museum it contains the coffin of Bolivar. It is the heart of city. It contains excellent views; the cathedral is situated on side of the Plaza.

This city is for migrants and immigrants. This city contains the population is around 80 percent, it is mixed of African, European and Indian. Two percent Indian, eight percent black and 20 percent white. This city reflects the modernity which is for known.

caracas venezuela (7)Venezuela Caracas city buildings

From east to west direction, it covers the valleys. Its center is made up of sky scrapers; area is compress with restaurants, shops, [public buildings and banks. If you are fond of arts and culture so you should see Parque central complex. It is a center of arts and culture with cinemas, museums and the Teresa Cultural complex.

caracas venezuela (5)Venezuela Caracas beautiful scenic view

It is situated at east of Plaza Bolivar and represents of high rise building. Beside this it contains a green paradise which is a park; it is situated in the middle of the city designed by Roberto Burley Marx. Over all it is a beautiful city to visit.

caracas venezuela (12)Venezuela Caracas Map

caracas venezuela (8)Venezuela Caracas houses Arial view

caracas venezuela (6)Venezuela Caracas beautiful city lights at night gives stunning view

caracas venezuela (10)Venezuela Caracas sunsets

caracas venezuela (4)Venezuela Caracas cable cars

caracas venezuela (3)Venezuela Caracas beaches beauties

caracas venezuela (2)Venezuela Caracas map guide

caracas venezuela (1)Venezuela Caracas beautiful buildings


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